September 18, 2012

Nail Dare: Neons

I've been sporting neon-colored nail polishes lately and I guess I'm loving it! Thanks to my podiatrist for stocking a lot of color choices! Let's make this simple, having neon colors on your nails will encourage you to be versatile in dressing up! For me, it's because of this color that I was able to challenge myself in dressing up with patterns and bold colors. So why not take a try? Anyway, there's no harm and trust me, it will give you a lot of pros most especially when pairing it with a good dress up. So here are two of the neon colors I wore the past few weeks.

Apple Green!

Neon blue!

And it's good to pair these with these neon spikes like these!

So there, Neon is so in! :)

September 15, 2012

Bauble Outlet

It's been a month since my last post and I feel energized to write something today. I could have posted regularly but then our internet connection is absurd! So I will be advertising in this blog post, our online shop, The Bauble Outlet. It has a Facebook account which is at and an IG: baubleoutlet. I am encouraging you to visit our accounts for you to see what we are offering! We got lots of up to date fashion accessories with affordable prices! So check, search and shop now! Here are our sample items for you!

Best Seller! Our "Serena" necklace.

Click here to view our facebook account! :)

August 25, 2012

Nina Josefa A. Inofinada, RN

August 23, 2012 1:20 PM, I decided to check my facebook account. i checked our batch page and my friend Martin posted a pdf about the board passers. At first, I was in denial, until I received a text message from my friend Isa with the numbers 99.33%. In my thoughts, I told myself, "O sh*t yung passing rate na ba ng boards to?" Immediately, I told mama about it. She became so quiet, I think it was her sign of anxiety. Cause if only the passing rate was 100% I could have been more at ease but Isa told me there were 2 who weren't able to make it. I was just so nervous about it. What if  my name isn't there? What if I was one of the two. Asdfgfjdgdhetehrgdthrndhdgdhdjdhd!!! Okay, imagine my heart pounding that time. I tried to check the prc site but it wasn't accessible. We tried to wait for any news but nothing came in. Until I remembered Martin having an access to the list. I called him on the phone and asked him if my name was there. It was like this...

Martin: Hello?
Ninj: Martin ako to, si Ninj.

Martin. O bakit?

Ninj: Pwede pacheck if nasa list ako?

Martin:Ok, I-NO-FI-NA-DA.
Martin: Hoy Andito ka, pumasa ka!

Then Martin heard my outrageous happiness (cry, scream, jump). Yes, I cried and I ran around the house without noticing what I was doing. Mom was just laughing at me. And remembering it now, it looked really funny! Hahaha. Sorry and Thank you Martin! Hahaha.

Even after Martin's confirmation, I couldn't still believe what happened. I still couldn't access the site that time. But when my aunts, uncles, ninongs, ninangs and all others called my mom and dad about seeing my name on the list, it finally dissolved in my system, I really passed the boards! Immediately, we had a simple feast at home---- barbecue dinner! It was only the day after it, which was yesterday, when I finally saw the name I was looking for since the minute the results came out. Nina Josefa A. Inofinada, RN. 

After seeing my name, our school's standing, the topnotchers which we got to luckily have the top 1 spot via Roxanne Lim, and all the stuffs, I finally saw my rating. I'll be posting the screenshot here but with a suspense just because I'd like to keep it to myself and the closest people to me and I'm shyyyy. Haha.

So there you go! Thank you Lord! Thank you papa and mama! Thank you UST! Thank you to everyone who took part in my journey.

Much love,

July 20, 2012

Nicki Minaj's Pink Friday Tour

Just last July 11 I went with my friend Kate and her sister Ate Carol and cousin Ate Dianne to Nicki Minaj's Pink Friday Tour Manila stop. (I went to Katy Perry's California Dreams Tour with them too.) And we also saw Vida, another friend, that night too!

 Anyway, going back, everything just went all of a sudden. We just got our Patron tickets around 3 days before the event. We were just so lucky to find a genuine one with a good spot in the audience. So the night went fun, just imagine us rapping with Nicki Minaj her hits like Superbass, Starships, Fly, Moment 4 Life, Did It On 'Em and lots more. Imagine how my throat just wanted to burst out. I've always said and will always be proud to say that she's my idol when it comes to rap--- a week after Superbass was released, I got to have memorized it already and it was a first time when it comes to rap. It just caught me! Haha!

During the concert, Kate and I were on heels but we never thought of making the clamors of foot ache on the spot so we just tried to enjoy the night as much as we can. And look, we did! And the heels, instead of giving us a disadvantage, helped us to gain extra inches higher since the crowd went standing until the end of the show and just think how hard it could have been. Before saying too much, I'm sharing the memories now. So here are the pictures we got lucky to take during the concert. Look how near Nicki's butt was to us!

So they really sold lots of Blackberries and load plans. :))

A blurry photo of me and Kate in our area. :)

And there you go. Until the next Superbass Nicki Minaj! I'd love to spend my last cent for you again. Now, I'm currently bankrupted! :))

July 3, 2012

Resurrecting with Forever 21

One step at a time, I will get my life back. This will be an awesome post-board life. I'll try to make it happen. 
And hey, I'm back here! :)

June 17, 2012


Hi guys! Been busy the past days because I'm currently finishing my review for the upcoming Philippine Nursing Licensure Exam (PNLE) on June 30 and July 1. The coming 2 weeks will be tough so I'll be leaving my lair for a while. Talk to you guys again the soonest I can. Help me pray.

Much love - Ninj :)

June 10, 2012

Nicki Minaj Pink Friday Tour

After Gaga, let's go Super Bass-in'
My favorite is coming to motherland, baby! :)
I am so much excited with this!!!
See You All There! :>

June 9, 2012

Nude, Pastel and Earth

I've been sporting and buying stuffs with nude and pastel colors lately. Yes, I guess I just ended my summer. Did I even have one? Well, because of the reviews and my very "strict" parents (No, they're not the traditional strict. Haha. Feel ko lang tawagin silang strict. This is because they did not allow me to have the Vacation I wanted! Huhu) my summer plans were dissolved to bits and pieces. *sigh* I'm just keeping myself positive right now cause I guess it's for the better. Chos! Well, of course it is cause it's far way less than a month to go before the judgement day (Gulp!) So going back, I was just talking about the nude and pastel colors which to sum is called "Earth Color". (Is my grammar even correct about that? Haha.) Anyway, yes, I've been having these stuffs in my closet lately and they just look so relaxing to the eyes...

Nude Nails
I choose this nail color most(75%) of the time because I could wear it anywhere. Anywhere, it is appropriate. But yes of course, the other ones still do, all colors are fun (as you can see in my Nail Dare posts) but this is just so simple that it becomes elegant in the eyes. Let's just say, it's a playsafe color. Haha. And a lot of my girl friends wear this color and all of them give the same sentiments about it. Well boo-yah! Nude nails, a-huh! :)

Nude and Pastel Clothes and Shoes
Without being so conscious about it, I've been buying clothes which were of earth colors too. I went to Forever 21 North Edsa yesterday and I went home with these clothes and I just realized the colors when I got them fitted in my room already. Okay, I am not a Fashionista and I don't know why this is even linked to the Fashion tag. Haha. But I guess the nude color is just so "in" these days. And just so you know, I tend to be so impulsive when it comes to shopping. I always get scolded because of that. A big percent of my allowance goes to my clothes but to be honest, I don't really regret having done so. And mom just kept on nagging about that then praises my clothes after. Bipolar. But I love her for that! :))

But it is just so funny at times when she herself buy us things as if the world is ending already. The flat shoes were bought by her. She bought Coleene, Nikki and I three pairs each last week. And I'll be using them for everyday purpose cause flats are comfy shoes and I love them, as proven by Shoe Confessions: I Love Flats. The Wedge Shoes was the one I used during Lady Gaga's Concert. The outlet lady picked it for me and I guess she has a good taste. And thanks to Jo for picking it as her faorite among my shoes! Hihi.

And just days ago, I just bought this Chronicle necklace from Ate Marnee's Online Accessory Shop. I guess it's a good accent to any nude clothing. :)

Nude is sexy, I guess. Cause it will emphasize any skin color and it is so pleasing to the eyes. It is so classy and could be fun at the same time. But most of all, pair it to any pastel color and you can build up a style with the fierce Earthly look. :)