April 18, 2012

Copycat Series: Spencer Hastings

“If you want to be successful, find someone who has achieved the results you want and copy what they do and you'll achieve the same results.” - Anthony Robins

On my Day 13 of my April Photo a Day post, I mentioned about me copying some styles of foreign film and TV characters. And I stated that I'll be starting with Rachel Berry on May. But I guess, everything went upside down. I have this white top that I bought in Singapore that looked like one of Spencer Hastings' (played by Troian Bellisario) clothes during an episode of ABC's Pretty Little Liars. Actually, it doesn't really look exactly the same with the polo she was wearing but the aura just kept on playing on the style. I tried to wear it with jeans and I was surprised to see that it looked good with it since I first wore it during a conference I went to in Singapore with slacks.

Spencer, according to my research, is wearing a polo from Urban Outfitters with a J. Crew cardigan. She had it with tights and a pair of gold flats from Dear Creatures. Her watch is from Coach. Her wardrobe on set is a simple classic preppy chic type which she really plays well. This gettie that she had on this episode was one of the simplest I've seen on her because she usually wears polo or captain trench coats or covers with boots, pretty hats and jeans. Her wardrobe is, frankly, my dream. It is vintage-ish. And she is also my favorite character in the series so it added up to make myself copy her first. Just a trivia, Troian's off-set style is similar to Spencer's and this is lifted from her on an interview.

Preppy chic top from Drezzy Singapore, jeans from Forever 21,
watch from Tomato, gold flat shoes from Tory Burch

I know Spencer has slim legs and a 0-size body so it was really tough to do this. I took the risk.  I wore it and I'm blogging about it right now. I had jeans because I am not really comfortable with tights on. I have big buns, okay whatever. Everyone knows that. Well, at least I tried. Hahaha. (Dude, it's my first time! Do forgive! Haha.) Anyway, I didn't wear a cardigan, hers was too cute to be copied. I just gave the best shot to at least copy the aim or gist of the get up. I also copied her hair, it was tough to do with mine because I have a layered hair and edges just kept on popping out from the braide while I was making it. But I guess, it still looked good though. 

So there, til the next copycat post! If you want to know more about her style, watch Pretty Little Liars, which is on vacation at the moment, and see her sense of style. Google her, it's a good idea too!

P.S. I wore it during our review class. :)

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