There are so many reasons why I love college. I may have hated it at times but the fact that I had a great time with great people during the stay suppressed the hate feeling. I don't wanna end up in tears after I finish this blog but just thinking about it now, my eyes are about to get drowned already. Haha.
So why did I love COLLEGE LIFE? It's a long list, but I'll try to make it as brief and as meaningful as possible. Here we go!
So why did I love COLLEGE LIFE? It's a long list, but I'll try to make it as brief and as meaningful as possible. Here we go!
1. Jen and Isa
I swear, this is our first photo together. I tried to search it in Multiply. Hahaha.
My two awesome friends who made my stay a lot easier. I never thought I could ever find friends like them. I never thought first day in college would be that fun.
I met Jen first since she was my seatmate. The silent one who I thought would never ever open her mouth. She laughed at times but I barely hear it, honestly! Isa was in front of Jen. The girl with the big big big heart! Hahaha! She was named as our section's canteen because she had a bag full of snacks. O well, not only snacks, I should rather say.
There'd been a lot of memories with them. I was down and they picked me up! (Yeeeees!) Maybe it was a lot harder in first year without them. No words can ever explain how much I love them both. Every heart break we each had was easier than a burden because we knew that we would always be there for each other. The three of us together, ALWAYS. And together with Yvonne and Fatima, they were the first ones who I brought home in Ilocos. Sad times, yes there where but Happy times, a lot more than anything else! Love you both!

Ilocos Norte Lighthouse. Cause jumpshot was really cool then!
2. BSN I-1
The winning moment! Leggo!
First photo ever! :))
Make Your Mama Pena Proud! Her Birthday. :)
Well, what can I say? It's a pocket full of memories! Yes, I can remember young and wild memories. It was with them that I saw that college could be High School once again. We were really young then, a lot of times we just laughed during class hours. Group study was a laughing time but had really gave a big help on us in trying to catch the cut off. At first, it was really tough. There were a lot of personalities and characters to deal with but because of that one big moment, the Sabayang Pagbigkas, our unity as section 1 was made into a solid mark. Tears, laughter, everything. It was everything that I felt along with them. But at the middle of the academic year, the bond was tested. We went on through the rocks. But with several talks, we finally understood the differences of each other. I would not ever forget that moment because I cried. As far as I could remember, I was the first one who cried. Because I really knew that the class really meant the world to me, honestly. But after what happened, I guess, the bond we had even got stronger. I deeply know it. Too much of the drama, I know, we are I-1 upto now!
3. Section 5
First Christmas Party :)
UST at 400 Celebration
Rizal Field Trip
Last Christmas Party. Bittersweet. :)
I've been with them for almost 3 years to date. Three years, it's never a joke. It was really hard at first. Adjusting kills. I thought, I would never learn to deal with it. I was wrong, because not only that I was able to deal with it but I learned how to love my classmates. It was another set of people to interact with but time helped to merge the gaps in between. One thing I really love about our section is that each person complement another. Because of it, a lot of memories was stored. A lot of times, we were put down. There was even a time when almost all our professors turned their backs against us. The feeling sucks but we tried our best to never give up in proving ourselves. We're not the star section but we know within ourselves, we're one of the strongests. I will never ever forget the time when Ma'am Chua scolded us because of sleeping in class. When Doc A almost gave up because the effort in us wasn't there. When Ma'am Rebueno and Sir Ranoco got frustrated when confusion arised in our schedule. And when we disappointed Ma'am Medrana because of a dire behavior. All of those experiences made us get better, stand up with our two feet and aim the highest possible. It was when Mr. Sumile never left our side, cried with us during that moment when we were so down. All of these things, we have surpassed because of the effort we tried to put together as a class to prove that we got something good within us. All of those mistakes helped us achieve who we are and what we have right now. Five Cum Laudes, 13 Research publications, 46 beautiful people, I know we deserve all of it after all the things we've been through. Thank you classmates for the wonderful memories! I will never ever forget each one of you for the rest of my life. You all truly made a mark in my heart. :)
4. NCP
It all started in our Ilocos Trip
The siblings I never had. Honestly, my family had always been asking about you guys since then. Your 1 week stay at home might have cleaned our groceries and fridge but had made a special place in our family's heart. Thank you for being my best friends in College!
5. RLE 2
With Ma'am Iglesia
With Sir Pangan
My favorite RLE! Hahaha! Of course! The group that makes me smile everyday. The group that made me grow as a person and as student. Without them, I would never really learn as much as I have learned now. One by one, I will fish you. Forgive me, it's my blog anyway. Haha.
Katya, my personal favorite! Hahaha. Big joke. The romantic, the beer whore (JOKE!) But honestly, you're one good friend. Thank you for comforting me when I had this heart breaking moment in my life which only you who really knew the whole story of it. I love you not just because our birthdays are on consecutive days but because you've been a very true friend to me. Thank you for the boob fights. Much appreciated! *flat face* :))
Jane, my shopping soulmate! Thank you for always making me feel that I could do better than what I believe I can. You've always been a great sister to me. My alcoholmate, well, together with Katya. My partymate. My secret keeper. I love you Jane! I owe you so much!
Lanz, my loves! The boy with the pouty lips. The most attractive in our RLE! Ang parating bida. The In love. Haha. Thank you for always reminding me that I'm beautiful. I know you're very sincere with your words. I know, I know! Haha! But seriously, thank you for being such a wonderful man. Thank you for always hugging me! I heart you!
Alayne, my pillow. Thank you for always lending me your shoulders whenever I needed to sigh. Thank you for being so sweet and nice. Thank you for sharing thoughts I needed to know during the moments I needed them most. I will never ever forget the chitchats we had. I'll always be your love guru too.
Marc, the father of my future children! Hahaha. Well, he was the one who told me that! Sorry, Aileen. You're the most charming of all. Thank you for the stories we shared everytime we go home together since our dorms are adjacent to each other. You know that Boobies love you because you've always been there on our lunch and dinner dates. And for being worth the trust we give you. Good luck future MD!
Shalaine, my confider. People may not know, but we have a lot of things in common with regards to that thing, I know, I cannot utter here. I've bullied you a lot of times but I hope you never took anything of it seriously. It's just how I show my love for my friends like you. Thank you for lending me your ears. Thank you for being so nice to everyone. You are so much appreciated, if you only know. So, never think that you're a wall flower because you're a friend who's one of a kind. Thank you Sha!
Jo, my favorite seatmate! Any problem with that!? Haha. We shared a lot of secrets even those which others wouldn't really understand. We had a lot of misunderstandings but I know, there'd come a time when we'll just laugh at all of it and realize how much we grew from it. I love you Jo! You know that! You should! Thank you for keeping my face out of sight when I sleep in class and thank you for everything! Really, EVERYTHING!
Niel, my laughing partner. A lot of times, I really don't understand why you suddenly turn silent. Now I've seen how wonderful you are as a person. You've shared a lot of things you entrusted us to keep and it is much appreciated that you gave us your trust. Thank you for being the most awesome uncle of all!
JR, my best boy friend. Thank you for being the best guy friend I ever had in my entire College life. Thank you for helping me learn a lot of things I never knew that I could ever learn in my entire life. Thank you for always being there for everyone! Thank you for helping me have the courage to risk my heart again. Thank you for keeping my secret, unlike Lanz who spills it out always!
6. Boobies
Last photo together :)
One of the best gifts I ever received from God!
Chloe, my Korean Lover. We've been through a lot. You know that. But I guess, we love each other too much to make things get bad. I know, our friendship will always be there no matter how far you may go. You're older than me by birthdate but you're my little sister who I've always wanted to take care of. You showed me a lot of things and you made me feel that I can be the most responsible person that I could ever be. Thank you so much for being there no matter what had happened in the past. I love you that much that not a thing could ever break the friendship I have for you.
Jocs, my Paulinian Lover. There were countless times, you may not know, when I come to your place and sit beside you, I just wanted to have a friend to talk to. You were so neutral that I could never learn to hate you. Honestly, you flatter me too much at times because you compliment too much. Hahaha. We share a lot of things in common and I love every part of you that you shared to me. I love you, I always will!
Ai, my Boob Lover. You've been the mother of the boobies, obviously. Haha, kidding. No, seriously, you showed me the reason why I still need to give a lot of my best. You touched my heart in a way, no one else could ever do. You helped me avoid impulsive shopping and I really thank you for that cause I save a lot of money now. Haha. But thank you, really, for being there to help me get back on my feet. Love you!
Jen, my Romantic Lover. You're the person I've been with the longest and it was you who I learned from the most. Thank you for being so kind that you always try to understand my mood swings. Thank you for always keeping my heart safe. I have already cried a lot of times on your shoulder and I've always thanked God for giving me a friend like you. You should never change because it is who you are why people love you so dearly. I love you Jen, it's just bittersweet to think we're almost parting.
Maybe I've done something good to deserve all of you. All of you made a part in my life as I have said since earlier. I guess, this good bye would just be the start for a new better life ahead of us.
To God, you're the best! I owe you my everything!
To Bom, Thank you for being with me in this journey!
To the professors who've been so kind, thank you for helping us grow!
To UST, thank you for the unending grace you showered upon me. It sure helped me surpass all the trials that I have encountered during my college life.
To Sunsuites, my dormitory, thank you for reminding me that there's still home away from home.
To Dapitan, Lacson, Espanya and P. Noval, thank you for the good food I have tasted along your allies both healthy and contaminated.
To everyone, thank you so much! I owe my life to all of you!
My inspiration. :)
we all ya fat yo! :))
Now in tears. :')