February 2, 2012

Back and Delete

I just thought that I needed to check things out again and try to figure what good thing I could do with them. Then my blog came over my senses and it made me think that I should re-model it in a way. 

While I was surfing my entire blog earlier, I was laughing at myself because I have so many stupid posts before. LITERALLY STUPID, Idiot-some if you may call. They were hilarious! My my, I couldn't even take the guts to read them again. O well, 4 years needed to pass for me to realize that I'm missing on a lot of things. I guess, I've been too much preoccupied with the social networking sites that I have forgotten that blog could even be more useful at this point of time. So I guess, you have noticed it already, I deleted my entire 2008, 2009, 2010 posts! Honestly, I am still smiling at the moment because my blogs were really full of emotions that time and it really sucks because literally they were EMO-tions. So I guess, I really need to ponder on things and get this back in to action. And yeah, I'm pretty inspired with others who're doing some blogging too. I guess, I smothered my mind that this could be benefiting their whole being. I guess so. It's a good thing. REALLY. Well, too much of the drama. I am really hoping that I could see you here more next time. So okay then bye, much love, Ninj. :)

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