April 14, 2012

Daily Captures of April II

Look for the first part here: http://vintageavenues.blogspot.com/2012/04/its-already-april-perfect-summer-time.html :)

Day 13: April 13, 2012
Something You Found. I was looking all day for another segment in my blog and I thought of having something like copying the fashion of famous hollywood characters. I've been eyeing on this since March because I found a dress similar to what Rachel Berry had been wearing on Glee. So it inspired me to search on different characters and personalities in Hollywood so I could prepare myself for them. Well of course, I still need to take serious diet so I would be able to copy all of them. Hahaha. This would be really hard, I know (Gulp!) And it will take a lot of my effort to have this segment go way better than what I am imagining it to be. I'll start on Rachel Berry maybe on May because her wardrobe's a little bit of a playsafe, and my body might still take that. Yes, so, goodluck to me!  ;))

Day 14: April 14, 2012
How you feel today. I feel euphoric and cranky at the same time. My internet connection hasn't been reconnected upto now. Well, I'm just using our free Wifi here in our dorm lobby and it is a little bit of a hassle for me because I still need to get down from the penthouse just to have some life down here. Well, still I'm trying to stay more positive, that tomorrow, my connection will get back.

Day 15: April 15, 2012
Sunset. Obviously, it's not a picture of a sunset. It's Simple Line's Wintermelon Black Milk Tea. So okay, I must admit, I wasn't able to capture the sun on its moment so I decided to just take a photo of my comfort drink.Went home with it, now I've just sipped the last drop while typing this. Hihi.

Day 16: April 16, 2012
Flower. My sweet Papa/twin brother gave me this bouquet (which is actually not a bouquet anymore) last graduation. Lucky they're still alive. Just that they are already fading one by one. I might start cutting them now and keep the petals on a box. Well, let's see. ;)

Day 17: April 17, 2012
Something you don't like. It's a tweet about Pinoy Big Brother. I don't know if this is normal or it's just me. It just made me laugh very hard tonight and I don't really get myself contained on stuffs like this. They barely know each other and they just started talking sort of a week a go, how can they say stuffs like this? O well, I don't mind getting bashed by fans, anyways, I guess my opinion's pretty right on this part.

Day 18: April 18, 2012
Hair.  This was my hair today on our review class. Read something about getting to the old-child-you and thought of doing so. So there!

Day 19: April 19, 2012
Orange. Went to meet my family in a mall, since they just came from Ilocos, and I was on my review class when I suddenly stopped by a shop and saw this. Just wanted to buy it so badly but I decided not to. I guess it's a good choice as of now. I must save money for future purposes. I must!

Day 20: April 20, 2012
Something you drew. It's a "green" board. It's actually not purely mine. These were doodles done by me and my friends during the review classes. Whenever we get bored, we do this to keep ourselves awake. It's effective, but it ends up seeing ourselves laughing our asses out too bad.

Day 21: April 21, 2012
Bottle. Smart C Pomelo! My favorite! That's all. Haha.

Day 22: April 22, 2012
The last thing you bought. Nail polishes for my nail art-ing. I'm getting a little bit better each time and I got the idea of doing so from my classmates. Now, a lot of us have colorful drawings on our nails. BTW, I'll be posting some later on another blog post. Hope, you'll read it! :)

Day 23: April 23, 2012
Vegetable. Pinakbet, will eat it for dinner. It's Ilocos pinakbet and I was the one who cooked it. I better eat now, I'm getting hungry. But sorry, it looked like trash. Haha. It's because of the camera reso. :))

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